Which professions will disappear in Kazakhstan, and which ones will appear

Which professions will disappear in Kazakhstan, and which ones will appear

The Atlas, which is supposed to revive professions that are disappearing in the republic, will be introduced into the training programs for specialists, Standard.kz reports with a link to the website of the Prime Minister.

The atlas is being implemented in nine priority areas: oil and gas, energy, agriculture, information technology, tourism, transport and logistics, engineering, mining metallurgy and construction, Minister of Education and Science Askhat Aimagambetov said at a government meeting on reformatting the education system.

"In Kazakhstan, 129 disappearing professions have been recorded, 95 professions are in the process of transformation, 239 new ones have appeared - 37 of them in the oil and gas industry, 32 in energy, 11 in mechanical engineering, 40 in IT, and so on," it says in a press release from the Prime Minister. It is also noted that representatives of state bodies and associations of employers participate in the system for providing training.

The "Atlas of new professions and competencies in the Republic of Kazakhstan" is included in the program to increase the income of the population until 2025 and is the basis for forecasting the labor market and professional standards.

It is noted that 406 industrial enterprises of Kazakhstan patronize 406 TVET colleges, in 2021 there were only 51 such examples. 

This year, the target state order in Kazakhstan amounted to 10 thousand applications. The share of state orders for technical areas of training in colleges has been increased from 40% to 70%.