Editorial Board of the portal

Azat Abdrakhmanov
Azat Abdrakhmanov

Azat Abdrakhmanov - President of the Kazakhstan Organization for Quality and Innovation Management, Doctor of Science (specialty "Radiation Biology", USSR Higher Attestation Commission, 1991), Professor (1996). Specialist in quality management, known for his many years of fruitful work not only in Kazakhstan but also abroad.

Tsinovkina Lyudmila Lvovna
Tsinovkina Lyudmila Lvovna

Tsinovkina Lyudmila Lvovna - Consultant "Intercert Consulting Central Asia" LLP, Expert-Auditor of the Quality Management System of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Leading Auditor of the Quality Management System of the European Quality Organization (EOQ). EFQM International Appraiser and Assessor, EFQM Excellence Supervisor, Management Systems Consultant ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 45001: 2018, ISO 3100: 2009, ISO 50001: 2018.

Kim Victor Vladimirovich
Kim Victor Vladimirovich

Kim Victor Vladimirovich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of YURP LLP "Intersert Consulting Center Asia", Expert Auditor on Quality Management Systems GS TR RK and AFNOR (France), Expert Auditor on Energy Management Systems GS TR and AFNOR RK (France) , international appraiser and EFQM validator. In 1983 he graduated from the Zhambyl Institute of Irrigation and Drainage with a degree in hydraulic engineering of river construction and hydroelectric power plants.

Гүлмария Молдабергенова
Гүлмария Молдабергенова

ҚР мәдениет саласының үздігі (2020), ҚР Журналистер Одағының мүшесі (2006), редактор, журналист


Қазақ телерадиосы саласының ардагері, «Алтын қалам» ұлттық әдеби конкурсының директоры. 2016 жылы ҚР Президентінің жарлығымен «Ерен еңбегі үшін» медалімен марапатталды. Ақпарат саласының үздігі төсбелгісінің иегері.