Why does a modern company need a quality manager?

Why does a modern company need a quality manager?

New enterprises appear in Kazakhstan, and this fact cannot but rejoice. But is everything so rosy in the company? What problems do modern organizations face? What is the role of a quality manager in a company? Here is what Prof. Azat Abdrakhmanov, President of the Public Association "Kazakhstan Organization for Quality and Innovation Management" (hereinafter - NGO "KOQIM"), said about this.

- A careful analysis of the company's activities can often reveal serious shortcomings. There is an insufficiently thought out organizational structure of the enterprise, the lack of a long-term strategy and many other problems.

How can they be detected and corrected? This can be achieved by building and implementing a modern quality management system and an integrated system. The quality manager plays a key role in this.

The quality management system is based on well-designed documents that spell out the responsibility and authority of each employee of the enterprise.

Regulations on subdivisions make it possible to ensure the effective interaction of employees among themselves, the interaction of structural subdivisions, the interaction of the enterprise with customers and suppliers. These are only some of the issues for which the quality manager is responsible.

Currently, no enterprise can do without a qualitative manager. In this regard, we invite the heads of Kazakhstani companies to cooperate.

NGO "KOQIM" has 20 years of experience in training specialists in various fields, and above all in the quality management system, in the integrated quality management system, in the training of quality system managers, taking into account all modern requirements.

We invite you to the portal "Quality Kazakhstan" - Standard.kz, where you will find all the necessary information about our trainings and consultations.
