What is the attraction of European Model of Excellence for Business Leaders?

What is the attraction of European Model of Excellence for Business Leaders?

The beginning of the way. Considering that the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) was established by European companies, it is not surprising that the latest version of the EFQM, like previous versions, contains a set of European values.

The EFQM is a globally recognized framework whose main objective is to help organizations manage change and improve their performance. In the years since its adoption in 1990, the Model has gone through a number of cycles of improvements to keep it not only relevant but also relevant to organizations that want to succeed sustainably in the long term.

The Kazakhstan Organization for Quality and Innovation Management (hereinafter referred to as KOKIM), being the National Partner of EFQMc 2009, directs its activities to clarify the Concept of this Model, which has become a business standard for more than 50 thousand organizations in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and America.

Concept and structure of the Model. Although the content and structure of the model has changed over the years, the key principles on which it is based remain unchanged. Regardless of the size of the organization and its sector of activity, the concept of the Model is still relevant today. In the latest edition of the 2020 EFQM Model, the following principles are laid down:

- priority of requests and expectations of the consumer;

- meeting the needs of all stakeholders to achieve long-term success;

- the importance of understanding the cause-and-effect relationships between why an organization does something, how it does it, and what it achieves as a result of its actions.

The Foundation expects any organization using the EFQM Model to act in accordance with its stated values ​​and principles.

Theoretical and practical foundations of the EFQM Model. The model allows organizations to decide for themselves on the key changes they need to implement in the future in order to rebuild their organizational capabilities to remain competitive and gain international recognition.

The EFQM model focuses on collaborating with organizations that are future-oriented through the following approaches:

1) It is not enough for modern organizations to create and deliver sustainable value to stakeholders, they must also care about the ecosystem in which they operate. The ecosystem is not only the environment, but also society.

2) The organization should constantly improve its leadership style, based more on cooperation and mutual trust with stakeholders.

3) Creating new relationships in working with people, recognizing the diversity of their abilities and interests as a value in their practice.

4) Effective management of change and current activities helps the organization in its quest to achieve sustainable results in the future.

5) The development of creativity and innovation, as well as breakthrough thinking throughout the organization, is a determining factor in generating increasing value and increasing the level of efficiency.

6) The ability to identify opportunities and threats in order to respond to them most effectively, while maintaining its resilience to global and local adverse factors;

7) Development of an organizational culture based on creativity and cooperation, allowing to achieve leadership.

More information about licensed EFQM trainings can be found on the portal: standard.kz


Accredited trainer, EFQM assessor, professor Azat Abdrakhmanov